'분류 전체보기'에 해당되는 글 157건

  1. 2009.02.06 pdf문서 가지고 놀기! (확대해서 출력후 붙이면? 커진다! ㅎㅎㅎ)
  2. 2009.02.06 Win32, MacOS X 컴파일러 옵션 정리
  3. 2009.02.06 Unix cc 컴파일러 옵션 정리

pdf문서 가지고 놀기! (확대해서 출력후 붙이면? 커진다! ㅎㅎㅎ)

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PS : 용지가 제한적이고 큰 Layout을 가진 도면이나 긴 Flow Chart출력시 좋다!

Win32, MacOS X 컴파일러 옵션 정리


Shared and static libraries information

Win32 MacOS X
Version [NT 4] [10.x]
1 compiler flag (position independent code) xxxx -fno-common
2a shared library creation flag /DLL cc -bundle, -dynamiclib
libtool -dynamic
2b shared library creation (C++) ?? ??
libtool -dynamic
2c static archiver (C++) ?? ??
libtool -static
3a library name /OUT:name -compatibility_version, -current_version
3b file extension .DLL .dylib
4 executable link options xxxx ??
5a runtime path specification /LIBPATH: -install_name <path>
5b Does not build the path for shared libraries into the executable ?? ??
6 controlling symbols /FORCE: MULTIPLE [UNRESOLVED] ??

Win32 MacOS X
7 exports file/link option
(see notes)
.def/__declspec(dllexport) ??
8 hiding symbols xxxx ??
9 runtime library path PATH DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH
10 symbol binding xxxx ??
11 runtime debugging xxxx DYLD_BIND_AT_LAUNCH
12 runtime preload ?? DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES
13 loader xxxx dyld
14 runtime performance xxxx xxxx

Win32 MacOS X
15 versioning /VERSION:major.minor ??
16 entry points DllMain xxxx
17 dynamic loading /
dynamic symbol access
LoadLibrary / GetProcAddress "man 3 dyld"
18 utilities DUMPBIN, depends, EXEHDR otool
19 documentation ?? man: ld, libtool, dyld, otool

Win32 MacOS X

Unix cc 컴파일러 옵션 정리

Shared and static libraries information

Version [2.8]
1 compiler flag (position independent code) -KPIC, -Kpic
2a shared library creation flag -G
2b shared library creation (C++) CC -G -o
2c static archiver (C++) CC -xar -o
3a library name -h name
3b file extension .so
4 executable link options -Bdynamic
-Lpath -lname
5a runtime path specification -R <pathlist>
5b Does not build the path for shared libraries into the executable -norunpath
6 controlling symbols -z defs/ nodefs/ muldefs

7 exports file/link option
(see notes)
using a script file (see "man ld")
8 hiding symbols using a script file (see "man ld") (see this article)
9 runtime library path LD_LIBRARY_PATH
10 symbol binding -Bsymbolic
11 runtime debugging (c.f. man ld.so.1)
ld -D help
12 runtime preload LD_PRELOAD
13 loader ld.so
14 runtime performance xxxx

15 versioning using a script file (see "man ld")
-M mapfile
16 entry points xxxx
17 dynamic loading /
dynamic symbol access
dlopen / dlsym
18 utilities ldd, elfdump, pvs, dumpstabs (compilers V.6), crle (Solaris>=8)
19 documentation man: ld, ld.so.1, ldd, pvs
